Old gay men stories with grandson

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Andrew's Round Table has brought Potts here to counter attempts in Minnesota to ban gay marriage. Potts is in Minnesota to speak at several functions about growing up gay in a prominent evangelical family, starting Sunday at All God's Children MMC. It's fear that if you at all embrace a gay person you are aiding Satan. 'A lot of people say that attitude toward gay people is hate, but I don't think it's that simple. 'During the public event my mother looked right at me as she talked about how gay people were going to hell,' said Potts. So bad that he had to get tickets to his grandfather's funeral through a distant cousin, but was not allowed to sit with the family during the public service. So bad that Potts' mother still will not talk to him. 'In my family of evangelical Christians, it was really, really, really bad,' Potts said in an interview from his home in Dallas. Oral Roberts, was one of the pastors who influenced a generation of people to believe that being gay was a sin. That's largely because the weight of his family name - Roberts - made being a gay man untenable. But Randy Roberts Potts didn't admit to his family, and the world, that he was gay until he was 31, just six years ago. He even warned his fiancée before they married at age 18. He has known it in his heart since he was about 5 years old.

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